Add Links and Constraints
Use the Links & Constraints tab to describe rescheduling constraints which can be either links between activities or constraints.
Ways to access
Select an activity in a time-distance view and click the Links & Constraints tab in the Object Properties pane.
Exclude from reschedule - This option can only be set if there are no incoming and no outgoing links for this activity. As soon as a link is added, this option is disabled and can no longer be set. If the option is set, the further constraint options get disabled.
If the option is set, the activity is excluded from rescheduling.
Constraints control the start or finish date of the Activity. Possible constraints are:
Start on - This constraint sets the start date to the given date in the field start.
Start on or before - The activity cannot start later than the given date in the field Start.
Start on or after - The activity cannot start earlier than the given date in the field Start.
Finish on - This constraint sets the finish date to the given date in the field End.
Finish on or before - The activity can not finish later than the given date in the field End.
Finish on or after - The activity can not finish earlier than the given date in the field End.
Work Between - The activity can not start earlier than the given date in the field Start and end not after the given Date in the field End.
Deadline - This is similar to the constraint Finish on or before, but allows the Activity on reschedule to slip beyond the given end date.
The placement decides if the activity is placed as soon as possible (ASAP) or as late as possible (ALAP) within the calculated float.
Start at
This option allows you to delay the start of an activity.
Calculated date - The activity is not delayed and starts on the calculated value.
Next day - The start of the activity is delayed to the next day.
Next Sunday, Monday, Tuesday...: The start of the Activity is delayed to the next day selected.
These options help prevent splitting Activities across multiple working phases or working times, which will ensure that work can be completed during a coherent working phase or working time to reduce planning time and risk.
Working time - Time slice in a calendars´day without any interruption or gap.
Working phase - Working time spanned over a specific phase, defined by start and end time and date of that phase (e.g. Activity from a grouped Gantt chart for creating calendars).
These options affect the rescheduling process and ensure that an Activity will be moved to the proper place (after all other inputs are considered). If this setting cannot be used, it defaults to Start time, and this is reported at the end of the reschedule process.
Start time - Use the beginning of the next available working time.
One working time - Use the next available time slot where an activity can be completely be done during one working time.
One working phase - Use the next available time slot where an activity can be completely be done during one working phase.
Next working day - Use the next available start time.
Consider for Clash detection - If this option is checked, then the activity will be included in Clash Detection. A clash is detected when 2 Activities with that option activated overlap. To run the clash detection use the Clash Detection in the toolbar or use the right mouse function. Clash detection can also be included in the reschedule. See Reschedule Options.
Predecessor list
In this table, all predecessors are listed. Each line represents one incoming link to this Activity.
Click 'Add' to add a new link, on 'Delete' to delete the selected link, on the button to edit the selected link in the link details tab. Is.
Successor list
In this table, all successors are listed. Each line represents one outgoing link to this Activity.
Click 'Add' to add a new link, 'Delete' to delete the selected link, or the button to edit the selected link in the link details tab.