Token Options

Use the Tokens page to define the general rounding settings for the display of tokens in views.

Ways to access

  • Select Tools > Options > Tokens tab in the main menu.



  • Rounding - Choose from the drop-down menu one of the following options.

    • Flexible

    • No rounding

    • Integer

    • 10

    • 1000

Work rate

  • Rounding - Choose from the drop-down menu one of the following options.

    • Flexible

    • No rounding

    • Integer

    • 10

    • 1000


  • Rounding - Choose from the drop-down menu one of the following options.

    • Flexible

    • No rounding

    • Integer

    • 10

    • 1000

    • Speed 1 - Choose from the drop-down menu one of the following options.

    • Distance unit - km | km+ | m | m in km | Miles post | Miles+Feet

    • Time unit - d(12h) | Day(10) | Day(8h) | h | Items | min

    • Speed 2 - Choose from the drop-down menu one of the following options.

    • Distance unit - km | km+ | m | m in km | Miles post | Miles+Feet

    • Time unit - Time unit: d(12h) | Day(10) | Day(8h) | h | Items | min


  • Rounding - Choose from the drop-down menu one of the following options.

    • Nearest minute | Next minute | No rounding

    • Minutes - Input field to set a user-defined time sequence.


  • Format - Input field to set a user-defined date format.

    • Adjust end date to the previous day - If this option is activated, then if an activity is ending at midnight, the date is set to the previous day.


  • Format - Input field to set a required currency.

Thousand and decimal separator

  • Fraction separator - Input field to set a fraction separator.

  • Thousand separator - Input field to set a thousand separators.

Note: These settings define separators only for tokens, separate from the global display of separators defined by your computer's regional settings. Decimal and thousand separators are used in many numeric tokens, such as the Quantity token. To customize the separators, both they and the general region have to be changed.


Change your operating system’s decimal and thousands separators

  1. Select Windows Start > Settings > Time and Language > Region and Language.

  2. Set/confirm your region.

  3. On the same page, select Additional date, time & regional settings > Region > Change date, time, or number formats > Additional settings > Numbers, and change the separator characters by selecting from the lists.

  4. Click OK to close each dialog.

  5. Reboot your computer; otherwise, the changes will not take effect.