Define Mass Types
Use the Mass Type Settings dialog to define mass types that you can use when creating mass areas.
Ways to access
In the Tilos Explorer, select Library > Other Libraries > Mass Types, right-click, and select New Mass Type.
In the Tilos Explorer, expand Library > Other Libraries > Mass Types from the libraries and you will see a list of existing types in the working area.
Double-click an existing mass type in the explorer or select a type in the Mass Types view and click the Edit Properties icon on the right side to open the dialog.
Type ID and Name - Enter unique identifiers for the mass type.
Base type - Select one of the following base types for the mass type:
Level - Assign a default stack order to the area type. The level defines the order of different areas at the same location along the distance axis. The area with the higher level number is displayed above the area with the lower level number.
Display on the top border of diagram -
Mass Area, Haul Quantity, Scheduled Quantity, and Actual Quantity Presentation
Select the display attributes for each section.
Mass Area Presentation - How much quantity is to be executed?
Haul Quantity Presentation - How much of the quantity is already hauled?
Schedule Quantity Presentation - How much of the quantity is already scheduled on Activity level?
Actual Quantity Presentation - How the Actual quantity bar is presented (How much of the Quantity is already progressed on Activity level?)
Background - Edit the backcolor (color of the face).
Foreground - Edit the forecolor (color of the border).
Pattern - Edit the pattern (design of the face).
Deleting Mass Types
To delete a mass type, select it in the Tilos Explorer and press the Delete key. When you delete a mass type, you can choose to remove any associated mass areas based on that type. If you delete such mass areas, you are asked whether you want to remove associated cut/fill Activities. If you answer no, the Activities will simply be disassociated from the deleted areas. Deleting a haulage type works in a similar way.
Exchanging Data with other Programs
Use your computer's clipboard to exchange data types from this list with other programs and vice versa. For more information, see the Export via the Clipboard and Import via the Clipboard help topics.
Import/export using the clipboard
Click either:
Export to Clipboard - Use this to copy all of the data in the list to your computer's clipboard to make it available to paste into other programs, such as Microsoft Excel for MS Project, Asta Powerproject, and Primavera:
First, click Export to Clipboard, check/uncheck boxes for all of the fields you want to include/exclude in the Fields for Clipboard Import/Export dialog, and change the Column Numbers and Column Letters to re-arrange the order of the exported columns.
Review the Clipboard preview at the bottom of the pane to see the order and fields that are ready for export and click OK.
Finally, paste from the clipboard into MS Excel or a similar tabular program by clicking in a cell and pressing Control + V.
Import from Clipboard - Use this to copy all of the data on your computer's clipboard to the open Tilos list.
First, copy from MS Excel or a similar tabular program to the clipboard by selecting data types you need in Tilos and pressing Control + C.
With one of the Project Data or Library lists open in Tilos, click Import from Clipboard, check/uncheck boxes for all of the fields you want to include/exclude in the import in the Fields for Clipboard Import/Export dialog, and change the Column Numbers or Column Letters to re-arrange the order of the imported columns.
Review the Clipboard preview at the bottom of the pane to see the order and fields that are ready for import and click OK. The data is pasted into your open Tilos list.
Fields that can be exported/imported
UID, Name, Base, Type, Level, Import Action, and Import run number