Define Mass Types

Use the Mass Type Settings dialog to define mass types that you can use when creating mass areas.

Ways to access



Mass Area, Haul Quantity, Scheduled Quantity, and Actual Quantity Presentation

Select the display attributes for each section.

Deleting Mass Types

To delete a mass type, select it in the Tilos Explorer and press the Delete key. When you delete a mass type, you can choose to remove any associated mass areas based on that type. If you delete such mass areas, you are asked whether you want to remove associated cut/fill Activities. If you answer no, the Activities will simply be disassociated from the deleted areas. Deleting a haulage type works in a similar way.

Exchanging Data with other Programs

Use your computer's clipboard to exchange data types from this list with other programs and vice versa. For more information, see the Export via the Clipboard and Import via the Clipboard help topics.

Import/export using the clipboard

Click either:

Fields that can be exported/imported

UID, Name, Base, Type, Level, Import Action, and Import run number

Next topic: ---

Further information

Create a Mass Haulage Diagram

Understand Mass Types