Set End Dates and Recalculate Speeds
Use the Set End Date and Recalculate Speed dialog to calculate the activity speed that is needed to finish the activity at a certain time.
Ways to access
Click the Set end date and recalculate speed icon on the Calculation tab in the Object Properties pane.
Sector types are defined in the library
A sector profile is defined in the Project Data > Distance Axis Definition.
A sector profile has been assigned to the activity. The duration of the activity is calculated based on the Base speed set in the Calculation tab.
The activity duration cannot be entered as it is calculated. This dialogue allows based on a given start date/time to set the end date/time or duration.
Entering a date and time information the new duration of the activity is calculated.
Entering the duration, the end date and time are calculated.
Press the OK button and Tilos does the following calculation:
Subtract from the duration the start and end setup time.
Subtract from the result of step 1 the duration that is calculated based on the sector type-based speed.
The result is the networking time where the base speed is applied. If this value is bigger than zero, the algorithm continues, otherwise, it is canceled without changing data.
Subtract from the length of the Activity the length that is calculated based on sector type-based speed. If the value is bigger than zero, the algorithm continues, otherwise, it is canceled without changing data.
The new based speed = Result of step 3/ Result of step 2.
Apply the new base speed to the Activity.
There may be slight rounding issues.
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