Review Activity Progress
Use the Progress tab to see the performance of an activity. It is only visible if it is enabled in Tools > Options > Functions.
Tilos has different progress modes implemented.
Simple progress modes are based on constant working on the Activity according to the planning. The Activity is executed in the direction how it has been planned. No movements of the crews or work breaks can be monitored. In the simple progress modes, each progress group contains only one Activity.
Advanced progress modes allow a more flexible progress handling. Each time when progress is entered the performed part of the Activity gets cut off the Activity. Many independent Activities appear. These Activities are collected within a so-called progress group. The progress values are always calculated and shown in relation to the original single planning Activity. In advanced progress mode, the progress group also has only one Activity. The group name automatically changes, if the name of this master Activity is updated.
Ways to access
Select an activity in a view and click the Progress tab in the Object Properties pane.
Progress methods
Simple progress methods
This method is implemented to allow a simple data import from other applications.
Percentage (simple) - User enters progress as a total % value.
Quantity (simple) - User enters performed quantity, from which a % can be calculated.
In this mode, no distance information is added to the activity. User enters for a given report date or data date the progress in % or in the Activity quantity unit. As a result, the activities are filled from beginning to the progress point (the % values entered). As this is the most used way of progress entry in standard project management applications, this information can be easily exchanged by a single attribute on activity level.
The following options can be set in Dialog - Options - Activity to reflect the current progress situation in reschedule.
Move not performed Activities after report date - In reschedule, the progress point (the point to which activity is progressing) is moved to the report date in order to show the remaining part right of the report date line. With the option not set, the activity stays as in the first line.
Calculate duration left - If this option is set additionally, then on reschedule, the start date of the activity is kept and the activity is shrinked (more progress than planned) or stretched that progress point is matching with the report date.
Advanced progress methods
In Tilos, we recommend using the enhanced models (see below), especially for quantity measured progress analysis.
The user enters the following data for each progress report:
Time - From and to - The values show the shift or working period when work was done.
Distance - From and to - The values describe the section of the project where the work is executed.
These 4 values describe where and in what time frame the work has been performed. But to measure the progress achieved, or the earned value, other information may be needed. This is determined by which of the following progress models is selected:
Distance (split Activity) Progress is measured by the length of the Activity in relation to the length of the performed section. No additional information needs to be entered.
Progress is given by the Start and End location of the section that is finished. In the sample, the section from kp 10 to kp 11 has been finished.
Less progress than planned has been achieved so the new finish is 2 days later than planned.
Quantity (split activity) Progress is measured by the quantity reported to be finished in relation to total quantity. The quantity has to be entered.
In this mode, the user enters the section that is progressed, here from kp 4 to kp 5. From the total planned, 8 000 were performed.
Tilos calculated the remaining 8 913 in the progressed section and shows this work left beyond report date as a straight Activity.
Quantity (split linear) - This progress model behaves similar to the Quantity Split progress model, but distance coordinates cannot be entered or changed; entering quantity automatically calculates the split point. Further calculations use the same behavior as a quantity split. For microprogress, distance values are ignored. Distance coordinates are calculated based on the entered quantity.
Percentage (split activity) Progress is measured by adding the entered % values from the performed activities. The percentage is entered. No distance coordinates can be entered, they are calculated based on % progress.
With each progress entry, the remaining activity is shortened and the executed part is printed in the exact position where the work was reported.
Out of sequence - Any change in production direction, move-arounds, work stops because of bad weather, clashes with other crews or not having land permit can be viewed.
For multiple crews - If crews work on the same activity, but in parallel, Tilos can perform for the same period 2 or more progress records on the same Activity.
The same section can be reported multiple times, if the total amount of work is not performed in one time period.
Reschedule options
Note: If you have created progress for an activity, the Progress Method can no longer be changed! You can decide which Progress Method is used as standard for an activity in the activity templates.
Weight - This determines the impact of an individual activity for the progress of a summary or the subproject. The method can be selected in the Options dialog - Tab Progress.
Performed - This flag shows, if the selected activity is performed or not performed. If it is performed, then it can no longer be graphically moved in the plan.
If progress mode is one of the simple models, the 2 further fields are visible:
Progress - The field progress is enabled if the activity progress method is set to percentage. Enter the percentage completed value in this field. This field is not visible in the activity progress method.
Quantity done - The field progress is enabled if the activity progress method is set to Quantity. Enter the quantity completed value in this field. This field is not visible in the activity progress method. The field percentage completed gets calculated.
Activity functions on progress
Filter - If this filter is activated, then only activities belonging to the same progress group are shown in the time distance view. This filter can be deactivated also using the right mouse button Filter.
Filter current Activity and successors - This works like the filter above, but includes also the successors.
Adjust Activities to report date - This function links the remaining not finished part activities based on their current start date and reschedules only that Activity.
Recalculate Expected En Date with Work Rate Performed - This function can be used only for progressed Activities in advanced mode. The activity needs to have a baseline and has an advanced progress method assigned. This function applies the work rate achieved to the remaining activities.
Recover Baseline End Date - If the activity has already started and is delayed, this function brings it back to baseline by calculating a new work rate. If there are multiple activities within the progress group that are not finished, then they are linked and rescheduled.
Enter progress - Click this button to enter the progress for the Activity selected. You will see the Enter Activity Progress dialog.
Dashboard - Click this button to open the Dashboard.
The standard settings for the progress can be defined in the Options dialog - Tab Progress.
Progress Summary
In this area a summary of the progress is shown.
User Progress weight - Here the weight for the User Progress value can be entered. Regarding other possible weights, please check the settings in the Options dialog - Tab Progress. If you want the weight to be calculated based on the activity quantity, then check the option: Calculate weight by quantity.
Progress - This shows the percentage completed of the progress group.
Quantity - This shows the quantity that is already down in the progress group in relation to the total quantity.
Show active baseline - If this option is checked, then for this activity the baseline is shown in the time distance view assuming, then the Show baseline option is set in Tab - Display and the activity has a baseline assigned.
Activities in Progress group
This area is only visible if the activity progress method is advanced one.
In this grid all activities that are created along with the progress entry are listed. They were all created from the same planning activity. The Activity ID is the same, but the suffix has been edited to.