Create and Open Projects

Use the New Project/Open Project dialog to create new projects by selecting a template or to open previous projects or sample projects that help you understand how schedules and data can be used.

Ways to access

  • Click the New Project tab in the Tilos dialog that opens on startup.

  • In the menu, select File > New.

  • Click the Open Project tab in the Tilos dialog that opens on startup.

  • In the menu, select File > Open > Recent Projects tab or Open Project tab.

In the tab 'New Project' a list of project templates is displayed. Select a template and Click OK to create a new project. This opens the dialog Settings for New Project.

In the tab 'Open Project' a list of already existing projects is displayed. Select a required project and confirm with OK.

Note: Via Tools > Options, tab 'Configuration' select within the General Settings the target directories for projects and project templates.

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Further information

Create a New Project
