Define Mass Haulages
Use the Mass Haulage dialog to define the transport of material from one mass area to another. If you have a connection between a haulage type and activities, when you change the haulage type, the template (including activity data) for the cut and fill activities are automatically updated. If a haulage quantity changes, the quantity for the cut and fill activity is also updated.
Ways to access
Cut quantity = 100 m³
Hauling bulkage 20% ==> 120 m³
Hauling compaction 10% ==> 0,9*120m³ = 108m³
Shrinkage = 1-108m³/100m³ = -0,08 = -8%
Reduction of hauling bulkage:
Cut quantity = 100 m³
Hauling bulkage 10% ==> 110 m³
Quantity after haul and compaction after fill 108 m³ ==> Hauling compaction = 1 - 108 m³ / 110 m³ =0,01818... = 1,82%
Shrinkage = 1-108m³/100m³ = -0,08 = -8%
Reduction of hauling compaction:
Cut quantity = 100 m³
Hauling bulkage 20% ==> 120 m³
Hauling compaction 5% ==> 0,95*120m³ = 114m³
Shrinkage = 1-114m³/100m³ = -0,14 = -14%
Reduction of hauling shrinkage:
Cut quantity = 100 m³
Hauling bulkage 20% ==> 120 m³
Shrinkage -10% = -0,1
Hauling compaction = -(-0,1 - 1)*100m³ = 110m³
Name and Mass haulage ID - Enter unique identifiers for the new mass haulage.
Haulage Type - Select a category that should be applied to the haulage. On new haulages, the default will be used; this can be set in the mass haulage settings in the Dialog - Options - Project (2). If you change the haulage type, then the default shrinkage values from the newly selected type are applied, but the transport volume stays constant.
Source-Area and Destination Area - Choose to and from areas from the list of Mass Areas. If you have created the mass haulage in a graphical way by connecting two mass areas, the source and destination are correctly set up already.
Cut Quantity (compacted) - Enter the volume of material to be cut.
Haul Quantity - Enter the volume of material to transport. It is calculated: Cut Quantity (compacted) * (100 + Hauling Bulkage) / 100
Fill Quantity compacted - Enter the volume of material to fill after compaction. It is calculated: Haulage Quantity * ( 100 - Hauling Compaction) / 100
Haul Distance - Enter the distance the material has to be transported. The distance between the balance points of the two mass areas is suggested.
Haul Product - This shows the haul quantity multiplied by the haul distance.
Hauling Bulkage - Enter the Volume-Growth (Percentage) of Cut Quantity (compacted) because of breaking up during cut and loading. If the value is entered the Hauling Compaction gets calculated too.
Hauling Compaction - Enter the volume-loss of the haul quantity due to compaction during fill. If a value is entered, shrinkage gets calculated too.
Line Display Position - Enter a % for the vertical part of haulage lines (as a percentage of the cell height). This is the position of the horizontal portion of a haulage line calculated as a % of the height from the top of the diagram.
Shrinkage - Enter the volume-loss from cut-quantity (compacted) to fill quantity (compacted). If a value is entered, hauling compaction gets calculated too.
Text1 and Text2 - Enter more information about the haulage process.
Source link position - Enter a % (0 = start of mass area; 100 = end of mass area) for the horizontal position of the starting point of a link line between mass areas. You can also move the vertical portion of a mass haulage line by picking it graphically and moving the cursor horizontally to the left or right (changing where the arrowhead is positioned inside the area). This can help you declutter the view when multiple links converge at a single balance point. If you drag outside of the area, the position will snap to the nearest position within the mass area (0% or 100%)
Destination link position - Enter a % for the horizontal position of the ending point (arrowhead) of a link line between mass areas (see above for more information).