Create Logistic Activities
Use the Create Logistic Activity dialog to calculate the Drive in and Drive out of the train from and to the next station (assuming that the work along the track is performed by one or more trains). This option is a special function for rail works.
Ways to access
Right-click an activity in a view and select Activity Creation > Create Logistic Activity in the context menu.
Drive In
Generate drive-in activity - Activate the option if a drive-in activity should be created.
The drive-in activity is created between the given point on the distance axis and the start of the activity. The duration can be calculated based on the train speed and on the distance between start and finish. This can be a constant speed or a speed profile based on a distance profile. This data can be set in the activity calculation tab. The settings stored in the template are used.
There is also a start-to-finish link created from the selected activity to the drive-in activity. The link option Synchronize Successor is activated, so any change in the distance of the activity will also update the drive in activity. Also the option: Update Train Setup on Reschedule is set. So, changes in train configuration of the master Activity change also the train setup of the support train.
Template - Select the template that should be used for the drive-in activity. Take care that activity calculation is set correctly. The activity type should be Line or Distance parallelogram.
From distance - Select the station point of the station where the train ride starts. If no speed profile is assigned to the activity template, then the activity quantity field is used to calculate the duration. The unit should then be set to a corresponding value or to none. The quantity gets calculated by length * the value 1.
Speed - Enter a speed value. The speed unit should correspond to the distance unit and the time work rate time unit of the template.
Setup time - Setup time can be added to the drive-in activity at the start and the end of the train ride.
Replace train configuration from Activity - Select this function to copy all resources, where a resource role is assigned from the main activity to the drive in Activity.
Add the name of a station point from a profile: If a distance profile is used to calculate to set the start of the drive-in activity, then the name of the profile line gets copied to the activity name.
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