Understand Microprogress

Use the Microprogress tab to collect and transfer progressed segments of an activity to the activity at a certain point in time.

Ways to access

  • Select an activity in a view and click the Microprogress tab in the Object Properties pane.

Note: This tab is only available if the function is activated in Tools > Options > Functions tab.


Using the buttons on the right edge, you can add new entries, delete selected entries from the list and open the properties of the microprogress.

Using the Filter button you can activate a filter showing only "Not evaluated" entries.

Using the Show microprogress button for selected activities only you can activate a filter that shows only those lines that are directly assigned to the selected Activity. Otherwise, all lines from the progress group are shown.

  • Check Conflicts - Using this button, the entry is checked for conflicts. For example, overlapping on the distance is identified or progress is reported in sections, where work has already been performed.

  • Apply Progress - Using this button, the table is applied to the Activity as progress.

  • Resolve Conflict By Creating Extra work - This option is only available, if there is a conflict, and this line is selected. To resolve conflicts, extra work segments are created.

Next topic: ---

Further information

Understand Progress

Progress Options