Set Distance Grid Line Properties

Use the Distance Grid Line Properties dialog to define individual grid lines within a distance grid.

Ways to access


Enter a Name for the grid line in the field Label or select a Token with the F8 Key. Should this text be used on the grid lines, activate the option Enable for Label Display additionally. Otherwise, you can leave this field empty.

Activate Use for Snapping, if those grid lines should be used to snap when an Activity or graphical object is created.

For a regular grid line, enter the repetition in the field Interval and additionally select a Location Unit.

Select the Line Color, Style, and Line Width for the grid lines.

Should the grid line be entered over the whole distance (within the view) activate the Entire distance option. If you deactivate this option, the grid lines are drawn over the entered distance range.

If you enter the same value for the Start and End of the grid lines, you will have a line on this station point.

Should the grid line be entered over the whole time (within the view) activate the Entire time option. If you deactivate this option, the grid lines are drawn over the entered time area.

Select an Equation that should be used to calculate the position of the grid lines.

Should an irregular grid be displayed, select a distance profile from the list. Additionally, the station points are added to the regular grid lines.

Note:  If you use Profile values as grid lines, each station point has a name. If you use the Token{Name} as Text the name of the station point will be shown on every grid line.