Exchange Data with Trimble Business Center

Trimble Business Center supports the exchange of Mass Haulage data.

Library elements

Within the XML file, you can import:

Later on this page, we describe the steps of importing the data to a newly created project.

The result looks as follows:

The upper row shows the elevation profile which is a Distance Profile (Diagram). 2 Graphs are displayed, Land Height and Road height. It is created from a distance Distance Profile.

The middle row shows a Histogram. They can be placed along the time or the distance axis and can be viewed as lines or bar chart diagrams. It is created from a distance Distance Profile.

The 3rd row shows the Mass Haulage Diagram.

After the import of the activities, the scheduling of the Cut and Fill Activities can start. The result is a linked time distance diagram where all the Activities to operate the mass haulage are planned and has resources assigned.

There are 2 sample imports:

Create a new project

Import data

 Create activities

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