In Connect

Link Tilos tasks to BIM objects in the Connect 3D Viewer

In Connect, review your project tasks. The data you see in the Organizer is identical to what is in Tilos, including the task names dates, durations, and completion percentages. Then link any of the tasks with BIM objects in the 3D Viewer’s model to establish a connection between them. When you select a task, all linked objects will be highlighted in the model. If you pick an object in the model, all linked tasks will highlight in the Organizer. Reviewing the properties of the BIM objects can help you understand the schedule in the context of the 3D model.

Note: Even though you see the same folders and files in Tilos and Connect, there is no connection until you link tasks to objects in the view.

  1. If needed, re-open the Connect 3D Viewer, select your region, and double-click your project tile.

  2. Click the Organizer icon, and click the arrow next to the name of your sub-project (which you can find in Tilos under Explorer > Project Data > Sub-Projects) to expand the list of tasks, which are the same tasks as in Tilos.

  3. Click the icon and select View or manage properties.

  4. Review the properties of the task. They include:

  • task name

  • task start date

  • task end date

  • duration (in days)

  • percentage complete

  1. Click the Edit icon to modify any properties. You can later resync whichever of these changes you choose back to Tilos.

  2. Load your 3D model again by clicking the Models icon, hovering over the icon, and selecting Load model again.

  3. To link a task with a model object, pick the object in the view and click the
    Link objects icon. You can also use the other icons here to add/delete a subgroup and to unlink a task from an object. In Tilos, if there is a summary task, it can be shown as a subgroup.

  4. Validate the links by picking objects to see tasks highlight and vice versa.

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