Summarize Activity Progress

Progress for Summary and Hammock Activities

The progress on summary bars is calculated based on its sub-activities. Therefore, the progress weight is used. On the Tools > Options > Progress tab, you can decide according to which model the progress for activity summaries is ascertained.

By the progress weight, each sub-activity gets a number of points and to get the progress in %, the weights on performed activities are defined by the weights on all activities.

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Assuming the progress weight is calculated on  Costs. The Activity summary contains 3 subordinate activities each with 10 0000 €, the value in the Activity summary is therefore 30 000

Progress = 8 000/30 000 * 100 = 26,67%

On the summary itself, there are also 10 000 € allocated. If the option in the Tools > Options > Progress tab Include summaries progress weight then the weight from the summary is added.

Progress = (8 000 + 10 000 * 26,7 %)  / 40 000 = 26,7 %

If we set the option on Progress on Summary to To report date then we take for progress of summary the span between start of report date divided by total duration. Assuming this value is 40 %

So total progress on summary = (8 000 + 10 000 * 0,40) / 40 000 = 0,30.

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Further information

Understand Progress

Progress Options