Activity List View

Use the Activity List view to see details on all of the Activities in your project. Select an Activity in the list to see its details in the Object Properties Pane beneath or beside the table.

Ways to access

Activity list options

These options are on the toolbar just above the Activity list.

Find activities in the list

Right-click and select Incremental Search (or press CTRL + I) in a selected cell. Enter a specific text ‘string’ by typing the characters. The first instance of the text string will be highlighted. Find the next matching string in the list (including in the following columns) by pressing the down arrow key. The more characters you type in the string, the more mode-specific your results will be.

Copy-and-paste activities

Use the CTRL + C and CTRL + V shortcuts to copy and paste Activities into the Activity List. The copied Activities are inserted above the Activity you select (in the natural order/Activity sequence). In addition, each inserted Activity is automatically assigned a new Activity ID.

Note:  When you cut-and-paste into the Activity List using Control + C and Control + V, the new activity is inserted in natural order before the selected ones.

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Further information

Examples: Working with Filters