Insert Distance Graphics

Distance graphics, such as position plans and longitudinal sections, should always be entered into a distance cell. Graphics can then be aligned and scaled on the distance.

Ways to access

  • Click the Insert Distance Diagram Object icon on the Insert toolbar. Then click a position for the object in the view.


Graphics can be entered as embedded or linked objects.

  • Embed Graphic – Save the graphic within the Tilos file.

  • Link – Only the path to the file is saved.


Enter a picture

  1. Create a distance cell within the view and select a time-distance cell as master cell.

  2. click the button Insert Graphic Object.

  3. Set in the Preset Toolbar the option Scaling to Horizontal, if the distance axis is horizontal.

  4. Press the mouse button and drag a rectangle within the distance cell. This defines the location of the Graphic.

  5. The dialog Insert Graphical Object. Select the option: Insert Graphic from file and press OK.

  6. Select a graphic file in Dialog -Open and confirm with Open.

7. In the Details Toolbar on the tab Tab - Figure Position select Location as entry in combo Scaling.

8. Enter the Coordinates or the Length of the graphic or size by mouse.

9. Using the option Keep proportions the height of the graphic is adjusted according to the width.

10. Should the graphic file be saved within the Tilos file, activate the option Embed Graphic on the tab Picture.

Position a graphic according to the distance axis

In order to position a graphic on the location, the begin and end of the graphic file must not necessarily be known. You can also use in between points within the graphic in order to position these on the location.

This function is only available if the scale of the graphic has been set on the distance axis or on both axes!

  1. Select the graphic entered.

  2. click the Figure position tab and there, the button Adjust position. This is only visible for scaled objects.

  3. The Dialog - Picture positioning info is opened. Observe the notes and click close.

  4. You will see the following mouse cursor .

  5. Drag a rectangle over the known station points within the graphic.

  6. In Dialog - Adjust figure position enter the Start- and End point of the selected rectangle.

  7. Confirm with OK. The picture points will be adjusted on the location.