Link Quadri Tasks to Tilos Activities

Some of these steps are to familiarize a new user with parts of Quadri’s interface. If you are already familiar, skip to the next section on making Quadri Tasks available to Tilos.

Note: If you are not familiar with Quadri, visit the Quadri Resource Center. These are some parts of the interface you will see here:

  • Explorer - Shows the content on your model divided into three sections:

    • Process - These tools allow you to organize your data in a flexible, chronological workflow or task process, from, e.g., Import > Terrain creation > Existing situation model > Alignment design > Road modeling. You can select, right-click, and edit any task in the process at any time. Tasks are parametric; they have dependencies based on the tasks above them in the Process hierarchy (this is a relational model).

    • Features - These are the objects created by your process tasks.

    • Network Elements -

  • Properties - These are the detailed attributes of selected items.

  • Graphic View - This is the large window in which feature data appears.

Note: An activity in Tilos is not the same as a task in Quadri. “Task” is a widely used concept and term in Quadri, and differs slightly from how it was used in Tilos.

  • A task in Quadri is part of the Quadri Task Model and can, e.g., have relationships to and dependencies on other tasks. A task in Quadri is usually the process of creating and maintaining data inside the model.

  • An activity in Tilos typically describes a piece of work that has to be executed in time and space in order to build something.

  1. On the ribbon, select View and click Explorer and Properties to open those panes.

2. Select the Connectors ribbon tab and click Design; Design is a ‘general’ type of connector (as opposed to the specific connectors for Trimble SketchUp and AutoDesk Civil 3D).

3. In the Explorer pane, click the + next to Process and one of the tasks (also called “tools”) that you want to send to Tilos beneath it. Review the attributes for the selected task in the Properties pane.

4. Also expand Features in the Explorer, and pick one of the objects created by a Process task you need in Tilos to review its properties.

5. In the Properties pane, scroll down to the Network Location section, and click the arrow at the right of the Along Network field.

6. In Locational attributes, specify for Tilos where the activity should be positioned (e.g., using a station range) along an alignment or other linear feature. Click Back when you are done.

Note: In Locational Attributes, stationing or distance along is always specified as a factor between 0.0 and 1.0).

7. In a feature you intend for data exchange, it is also important for you to create generic properties that can map to specific fields in Tilos. First, ensure that you can see the Generic Property List by clicking the Settings icon at the top of the Properties pane and confirming that Show attributes without value and Show internal attributes are enabled.

8. Then scroll down to the Specific section, right-click genericPropertylist and select New Generic.

9. You will also probably want to note the unique IDs of features you want to check in Tilos. Using these IDs makes them easier to find when feature names are not unique.

10. Add as many generic properties as you need, e.g., Quantity, Quantity Unit, Work Rate, and Work Rate Time Unit.

11. To see a feature graphically, right-click it and select View in 3D (or View in 2D).

Note: You can control the graphic view’s background color by selecting View > Presentation Setup. Then modify the settings in the Presentation Setup pane.

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