Add Rectangles

Use the Insert Rectangle function to draw a rectangular graphic object in a view. Rectangles can be used for creating smaller sketches.

Ways to access

  • Click the Insert Rectangle icon on the Insert toolbar. Then click a position for the shape in the view.


Create a rectangle

  1. Click the Insert Toolbar the button Rectangle or select from the menu Add - Object the entry Rectangle.

  2. Move the mouse to the required position in the working window.

  3. Create the object Rectangle by clicking and dragging.

  4. Use the handles to edit the Rectangle with the mouse.

  5. Use the tabs Display and Position in the Details Toolbar to edit the Rectangle created.

Connect a rectangle to an activity

  1. Select the rectangle.

  2. Click and drag the yellow/red Pin Point onto an existing activity until the mouse cursor changes to a large anchor symbol.

  3. Let go of the mouse button.

Set defaults for creating objects

  • Select an object from the Insert Toolbar, defaults can be set before drawing in the Preset Toolbar. These settings will however be used for all objects.

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Further information

Create Distance Graphics

Insert Graphic Objects