Display Gantt Chart Activities

Use the Display tab to control which objects are shown/hidden and how they are structured and shaded.

Ways to access

  • Right-click in a Gantt chart and select Gantt Chart Settings from the context menu. Then click the Display tab in the Gantt Chart Settings dialog.



  • Links - Hide/show all links.

  • External links - Hide/show the external link symbol () from and to other subprojects of the file.

  • Total float - Hides/ shows the total float of Activities.

  • Free float - Hide/show the free float of Activities.

  • Constraints - Hide/show the constraints of Activities.

  • Critical path - Hide/show the display of the critical path of Activities. You can define the color for the critical path in Settings: Display dialog.

  • Name (for expanded summary activity) - Hide/show the name of expanded summary Activities, when the summary is expanded in time distance cell (frame around sub-Activities).

  • Activity steps - Hide/show the Activity steps.

  • File links - Include baseline height in text positioning: Reserve space for the baseline; otherwise, text positioning in the text panel depends on the bar line height.

Progress Display

  • Display report date line - Hide/show the report date line.

  • As straight line - Print a straight report date line; otherwise, the line reflects the Activity progress.

  • Display progress - Show/hide the progress bar display within an Activity.

  • Hide non-progressed Activities - Hide just non-progressed Activities from the display (their results are kept in text panel and token calculations) to show only progressed Activities in distance Gantt charts and keep all earned value calculations for which also non-progressed Activities are needed.

  • Display baseline activities - This option shows/ enables only the active or all visible Baseline Activities.

    • Only active baseline

    • All visible baselines

Calendar Display

  • Calendar - Select one of the required calendars in the drop-down menu list. Predefined calendars are '5-days per week' or 'Nonstop working'.

To open the Calendar dialog and set a user-defined calendar sequence, click the icon 'Show calendar ...'.

  • Per Day (day definitions) - For the calendar display, show the entire day in one color which is defined in the 'Day Definition Display'.

  • Settings - Open the dialog Day Definition Display to set Day Definition types visible or collapsed. Colors and patterns can be set user-defined.

  • Exactly (time types) - For the calendar display, show the working time and free time of a day exactly in minutes.

  • Settings - Open the Time Type Display dialog to set time types as visible or collapsed. User-defined colors and patterns can also be set.


  • Activity color - Drop-down menu to choose the following options.

  • From Activity definition (standard) - Set colors relating to the user-defined colors from the Activity display.

  • From category - Set colors from the actual assigned categories. Then choose the required category.

  • From layer - Set colors from the actual assigned layer.

Display of Structures

  • Allow overlapping Activities - Check this box if a project requires overlapping Activities.

  • Hide project line - If your Gantt chart contains Activities from many subprojects, a summary Activity will be shown for each subproject. Check this box to hide the summary Activity rows for ungrouped subprojects. Once summary rows (and therefore Activity subproject data) are hidden, you can still make subproject names visible by adding a subproject ID column to the chart. Although subproject data may be hidden, chart sorting is still done within each subproject.

  • Color background of summary structure - Select Horizontal to shade summary Activity rows to make the Activity hierarchy in the chart easier to understand. Then choose a scheme in the Color code in the list (see below).

  • Color code - Select a color scheme to specify how to shade each level in the tree. Click Add to create a new color code or Edit to modify an existing one.

  • Color also bar area - If you opted to horizontally shade the background of the summary structure (see above), check this box to also shade the rest of the row.


  • Select Invisible, Small, or Full to show/hide the ruler at the top of the chart