Replace Activity Data Lines
Use the Replace Activity Line Data dialog to edit the rules on how to change activity data.
Ways to access
Select an activity in a view or list and select Activity Creation > Global Change.
Press F10.
Then enable the Replace Activity Data option and click OK.
Field definition - Select the field that should be changed.
Execute on OK - Check this option, if this line should be applied when you click OK in the Replace Activity Data dialog for batch execution of replacement statements.
Depending on the type of field, the further content of the dialog changes:
Text field
Replace mode - Select an entry of the combo list:
Set result - The value of the field has the value of the equation performed.
Add Result - The value of the equation performed is added to the existing value of the field
Value - This can be any alphanumeric content. Press F8 key to insert also variables of the Activity.
Numeric field
Replace mode - Select an entry of the combo list:
Set result - The value of the field has the value of the equation performed.
Add Result - The value of the equation performed is added to the existing value of the field
Subtract result - The value of the equation performed is subtracted from the existing value of the field
Value - This can be any numeric content containing a formula. Press F8 key to insert also variables of the Activity. Text inside the formula that does not represent a token or an operator is removed before the execution of the formula.
Date field
Date mode - Enter the date mode
Move to fixed date - Enter a date and time to which the date field selected should be set.
Move by fixed working time - Enter a working time and working time unit.
The replacement mode can be either Add result or Subtract result.
Move by fixed calendar time - Enter a duration and calendar time unit.
The replacement mode can be either Add result or Subtract result.
The replacement mode can be:
Add - The category gets assigned to each Activity
Remove - The selected category gets removed from the Activity