Link Activities
Define relationships between activities
Usually, a link is created in a graphical way by selecting a predecessor and dragging the link arrow to a successor activity. Depending on which end of the successor you link to, a Finish to Start or Finish to Finish link is created. An activity can have links to multiple other activities.
Select an activity and do one of the following:
Click-and-drag the link symbol to the next activity until the cursor changes to look like. You can enter the required Link type at the same time or subsequently select it on the Details tab in the Object Properties pane.
Right-click and select either Create Predecessor or Create Successor from the context menu.
Note: In a project with many activities, it is helpful to have this non-graphical way to link Activities, Depending on whether you are creating a predecessor or successor, that field is automatically filled in, and you simply need to click in the other field and (using the enhanced Activity information) select the other activity.
Edit properties for the selected link on the Links tab.
Select the Link type.
Define a Lag between the linked activities.
Right-click in a time-distance cell and select Reschedule from the context menu or press F9 on your keyboard.
Define distance-related dependencies between activities
Select an activity.
Click-and-drag the link symbol to the next activity until the mouse cursor changes to look like.
Edit properties for the selected link on the Links tab.
For the Link type, select Start to Start.
In the Calculate lag by list, select Distance to successor.
Enter a distance, e.g., 500 (meters).
Right-click and select Reschedule from the context menu or press F9 on your keyboard to calculate the Activity.
The time interval for the Start to Start link is calculated over the distance interval of 500 meters.
Next topic: ---
Further information
Dialog - Link Details
Link Distance Coordinates
Synchronize Activity Speed
Calculate a Meeting Point