Use the Tilos Help

Tilos comes with a fully searchable, indexed help system. We recommend using context-sensitive help. By Clicking the F1-Key, you can navigate from most dialogs directly to the corresponding help topic.

Another way to get context-sensitive help within the program is by selecting Help - What's this? Then click an interface element to open the context-sensitive help topic about it.

Using Context-Sensitive Help

Ways to access

the context-sensitive help inside of the current tab or dialog for which you need help,

  • Press [F1]

  • [Shift and the F1 Key]. The question mark beside the cursor shows that the context-sensitive help is enabled. Click a dialog element to get the required help.

Using Online Help

Hide or Show the Navigation Area

The Tilos Help Explorer contains the tabs Content, Index, Search and Favorites. The input dialog field of 'Search' is automatically displayed by starting the help. Use the menu icon 'Hide' or 'Show' to open or close the explorer depending on the preferred use of the Tilos Help.

Navigating through the last used help subjects

The functionality of menu icons 'Back' and 'Forward' inside the Tilos Help window is the same as in an internet browser. Useful to flick through the before opened help topics.

Access the Tilos Web site

Click the menu icon 'Home' to open the web site of the Linear project GmbH. Ensure that the internet connection is activated.


To print the required help topics click the menu icon 'Print'. Ensure that the computer is connected to a printer. The current print options are depending on the type and version of an installed Internet Explorer and/ or printer.

Setting the Help Options

Click the menu icon 'Options' to Hide Tabs, to move Back or Forward in the explorer, to visit the web site of Tilos, Home, to Stop or Refresh the loading of a page, Ways Ways Ways to access the Internet Options. Further Options are Print and Search Highlight Off/ Search Highlight On to switch off resp. on the emphasis of a search keyword.

Navigating the Help

The Tilos Help Explorer contains the tabs Content, Index, Search, and Favorites.


The tab Content displays the itemized Tilos Help Explorer. The several chapters are structured in topic help categories.

Each subject level of the content is represented by a prefix. They are identified by the following icons.


Type of subject

Chapter category of the Tilos Help Topics, further summarized information of the topic items.

Current resp. opened chapter.

Concept page with detailed background information.

Procedure with a step by step instruction to carry out a certain Activity.


The tab Index shows a multi-level list of key words and phrases. These entries are linked to the relevant help subjects to find a subject by using a keyword.

Select from the index list the required keyword with a double-click to open a linked subject. Or type in the required search key and Click 'Enter' resp. the button 'Display'.

If a search key is linked to more than one subject, the dialog 'Topics Found' provides a list of corresponding subjects to select an applicable subject.


The tab Search provides an input field Ways Ways Ways to access a direct search for keywords within the Tilos Help. This full text search looks for the required key word and displays a list of all matching subjects.


Use the tab Favorites to add a certain help subject as an individual favorite for quick access.

Searching the Help

Use the Search tab in the help dialog to find all help topics that contain a keyword or a phrase. It is possible to search for similar words, to carry out a search with the results of a previous search or to search only through the titles of the help topics. HOW?

Find the required information with the 'Advanced Full Text Search'.

Activate the tab Search and enter the required search key.

Click 'List Topics', select the required topic and Click 'Display'.

The list of found subjects can be sorted by title, place or range with a click at the column headings.

Refine Searching

To ...

... Select

Search only through subject titles

Search titles only.

Find similar words to the search key

Search for similar words.

Limit the search area

Search previous results.

Select all found words in a topic.

Click the menu icon Options and select activate search key selecting.

Printing the Help

To print the required help topics, click the menu icon 'Print'. Ensure that the computer is connected to a printer. The current print options are depending on the type and version of an installed Internet Explorer and/ or printer.

Print a Help Topic

  • Select the menu icon 'Print' for the displayed Tilos Help Topic.

  • Select the required printer inside the print dialog and set the relevant print options.

  • Confirm with a Click 'Print' to print the topic.

  • Alternatively, right-click a help topic from the table of contents topics and select Print.

Next topic: -

Further information

Working with the Context Sensitive Help

Working with the Online Help

Working with the Navigation Area